Entries by Amanda Bensted

9 business insights we can learn from Wordle

Few things can distract me from my morning read but Wordle has commanded my attention. The little word game lures me in with the hopes of cracking the code and feeling my first, comparatively effortless win of the day. It’s the sweet anticipation of impending success, the delicious challenge, that gets me onto my phone […]

Every task management tool + technique I use to run my biz

About 6 months into my freelance journey, I hit a snag. Suddenly, I had multiple clients, projects, and start and end dates. A pile of new enquiries demanded my attention. I had a growing bank of proposals to send out, invoices to chase after, and jobs to complete as deadlines loomed. Amidst the celebration (since […]

Are you holding out for a eureka moment?

Over two millennia ago, Archimedes decided to take a bath. If he hadn’t, we might not be able to figure out the volume of a weirdly-shaped object today. At least, that’s what the storytellers want you to think. We wouldn’t have the concept of a eureka moment if Archimedes hadn’t run naked through the streets […]

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